How to RedirectToAction in ASP.NET MVC without losing request data

The solution is to use the TempData property to store the desired Request components.

For instance:

public ActionResult Send()
    TempData["form"] = Request.Form;
    return this.RedirectToAction(a => a.Form());

Then in your "Form" action you can go:

public ActionResult Form()
    /* Declare viewData etc. */

    if (TempData["form"] != null)
        /* Cast TempData["form"] to 
        and use it */

    return View("Form", viewData);

Take a look at MVCContrib, you can do this:

using MvcContrib.Filters;

public class MyController : Controller {

Keep in mind that TempData stores the form collection in session. If you don't like that behavior, you can implement the new ITempDataProvider interface and use some other mechanism for storing temp data. I wouldn't do that unless you know for a fact (via measurement and profiling) that the use of Session state is hurting you.



Asp.Net Mvc