How to read kerning pairs table from TTF file in Android

What I want to know is if there is a possibility to read kerning pairs from typeface using Android API.

There is no public API to read kerning pairs from a TTF file. However, I pulled the relevant code from Apache FOP and you can read the kerning pairs using this library.

Example usage:

TTFFile file ="fonts/font.ttf"));
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> kerning = file.getKerning();

You can also retrieve other metadata. Example:

TTFFile ttfFile = File("/system/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"));

String name = ttfFile.getFullName();             // "Roboto Regular"
String family = ttfFile.getSubFamilyName();      // "Regular"
int fontWeight = ttfFile.getWeightClass();       // 400
String copyright = ttfFile.getCopyrightNotice(); // "Font data copyright Google 2014"

I want to enable kerning for the text I am displaying.


How to adjust text kerning in Android TextView?
