How to quick view tables in DataGrip?

Double-clicking on a table in the left pane will open the data for the table.

If I got you right, there are several ways to do what you want:

  1. Ctrl+N (Cmd+O for Mac) → type the name of the table, press Enter

  2. If the cursor is on the name of the table inside the script, press F4.

  3. If the cursor is on the name of the table inside the DB explorer, you can double-clik it or press F4.

  4. If you are in the query console, the quick way to type "SELECT * FROM" is to type "sel" and press Tab. Then put the name of the table and run the query.

  5. In any place, wether it's SQL or database explorer, press Ctrl+Q (F1 for Mac) and you will see the quick documentation window.

Another quick solution can be to put your cursor in the name of your table and press CTRL+Q, this will open the quick documentation, it will show the table structure with the first 10 rows at the end.

I find this faster than running the query.

