How to query readonly replica in Always On cluster

After some help and hints (especially thanks to Andriy M) I've managed to understand what I actually want and how to do it. This article from Microsoft helped as well:

First I had to create a read only listener. And then at the other server add linked server like this (borrowed from:

USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
    @server     = N'cluster-readonly', -- just a name
    @srvproduct = N'SQL', -- anything except 'SQL Server'
    @provider   = N'SQLNCLI11',
    @datasrc    = N'ClusterListener', -- name of the readonly listener
    @provstr    = N'ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly',
    @catalog    = N'AnyActualDataBase' -- system database like 'master' is no good

How do I check, where am I:


Here's some trick - if I don't specify @catalog, then connection will be to the PRIMARY node for some reasons.

SQL Server Management Studio supports adding items to the connection string when connecting to a server through the "Connect to Server" dialog box:

enter image description here

Adding ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly; to the 'Additional Connection Parameters' box (as shown in the above image) should accomplish what you need.

You may also need to add Database='YourDatabase'; if your default database is not part of an Availability Group. If you don't add the Database='YourDatabase'; part, you may still connect to the primary host, since the default master database is not part of your Availability Group.