How to put your symbol explanation for the formula?

When using a formula that introduces new variables I would try very hard to describe them in the text, either immediately before, or immediately after the formula.

Something like

enter image description here


enter image description here



Assuming that $n$ is the number of weeks, and $M$ 
represents `Missed', then a formula for something is

The formula for something is
where $n$ is the number of weeks, and $M$ represents `Missed'.


Another option is to use a dedicated package, such as nomencl (or listofsymbols). These are able to produce a list of all symbols used in formulae all over the document (in a separate section, usually placed at the beginning of a document), sort them, etc.

I recommend this only if you have lots of formulae and/or a long document.

On page 114 of A comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX you can edit the code and obtain the following:

\newsavebox{\myendhook} % for the tabulars
  \makebox[0pt][r]{% after the equation number
  \global\sbox{\myendhook}{}% empty box
$n$ & amount of weeks\\
$M$ & Missed
\sbox{\myendhook}{}% reset
\qquad\parbox{4.0cm}{\footnotesize$\begin{aligned} n &= \text{ amount of weeks}\\[-1.0ex] M &= \text{ Missed}\end{aligned}$}

or use a \parbox as in the second example. This yields:

enter image description here