How to put an AVD (emulator) into OFFLINE mode?

I found a working solution. Tested on Android 6.0 an 7.0 emulators, but should work on others.

Network down:

adb shell ifconfig eth0 down

Network up:

adb shell ifconfig eth0 up

If you get a "Permission denied" error, restart adb daemon as root:

adb root

and try again.


$ adb shell svc wifi enable
$ adb shell svc wifi disable


$ adb shell svc data enable
$ adb shell svc data disable

I'm seeing all the same problems. DDMS doesn't fully kill it. Neither does F8. And neither does turning on airplane mode inside the emulator. We should all probably star this issue someone logged in 2009.

You should just press F8 in emulator window, it toggle off cell networking according to: But I test it and it is not working too! There is only message that there is no internet connection but it actually works...


