How to publish results using dotnet test command

You can see all the dotnet test options by executing dotnet test --help. One of the options is -l, --logger, which gives some great information:

Specify a logger for test results.
Log in trx format using a unqiue file name: --logger trx
Log in trx format using the specified file name: --logger "trx;LogFileName=<TestResults.trx>"
More info on logger arguments support:

That support link, has the full information.

So to answer your specific question, you can say

dotnet test -l:trx;LogFileName=C:\temp\TestOutput.xml

To publish the results to a particular directory.

Another option is setting MSBuild properties in your test.csproj:


Which tells the logger to put the file in the C:\temp directory.

After stumbling on the same problem (I wanted to publish test results in JUnit format), I ended up finding the JUnitTestLogger NuGet package.

It was a matter of installing it:

dotnet add package JUnitTestLogger --version 1.1.0

And then running the tests as:

dotnet test --logger "junit;LogFilePath=path/to/your/test/results.xml"