How to properly execute GUI operations in Qt main thread?

If you do not want to make your TCP class a QObject another option is to use the QMetaObject::invokeMethod() function.

The requirement then is that your destination class must be a QObject and you must call a slot defined on the destination.

Say your QObject is defined as follow:

class MyQObject : public QObject {
    MyObject() : QObject(nullptr) {}
public slots:
    void mySlotName(const QString& message) { ... }

Then you can call that slot from your TCP Class.

#include <QMetaObject>

void TCPClass::onSomeEvent() {
    MyQObject *myQObject = m_object;
    myMessage = QString("TCP event received.");
                               , "mySlotName"
                               , Qt::AutoConnection // Can also use any other except DirectConnection
                               , Q_ARG(QString, myMessage)); // And some more args if needed

If you use Qt::DirectConnection for the invocation the slot will be executed in the TCP thread and it can/will crash.

Edit: Since invokeMethod function is static, you can call it from any class and that class does not need to be a QObject.

If your object inherits from QObject, just emit a signal and connect (using the flag Qt::QueuedConnection) it to a slot in the main thread. Signals and Slots are thread safe and should be used preferably.

If it is not a QObject, than you may create a lambda function (with the GUI code) and use a single shot QTimer to queue it in the main thread and execute it in a callback. This is the code that I am using:

#include <functional>

void dispatchToMainThread(std::function<void()> callback)
    // any thread
    QTimer* timer = new QTimer();
    QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]()
        // main thread
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(timer, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, 0));

// in a thread...

dispatchToMainThread( [&, pos, rot]{

Original credit to

Just be careful because if you delete your object your app may crash. Two options are:

  • call qApp->processEvents(); before removing to flush the queue;
  • queue the deletion also using dispatchToMainThread;