How to produce jUnit fie with R testthat

Update 2019:

Version 2.1.0 of testthat no longer needs context in order to work correctly. So, I would expect the question from your original code to work correctly.


Original Answer:

There was testthat commit 4 days ago which references this functionality. A new option is being introduced in the development version of testthat.

If you run:

options(testthat.output_file = "test-out.xml")

this should produce an file in your working directory.

The catch is it may not work with the reporter you want. With the devtools version of testthat installed:

options(testthat.output_file = "test-out.xml")
test_dir("tests/", reporter = "junit")

produces an error regarding xml2. Trying the dev branch of xml2 did not resolve the issue. Given that this change is fairly recent, it might be worth filing an issue over on github.

Not sure if this gets you any closer, but we're getting a report to output which is a start!


This works, but you need to be sure and add a "context" to the top of your test or else you'll get an error. Try changing the top of your multiplication test to something like:

# -- test-mulitplication.R
context("Testing Succeeded!")
test_that("Multipilation works ", {
  res <- 5 * 2
  expect_equal(res, 10)

context("Test Failed!")
test_that("Multipilation works ", {
  res <- 5 * 2
  expect_equal(res, 12)

and then re-run:

options(testthat.output_file = "test-out.xml")
test_dir("tests/", reporter = "junit")

that worked for me! For some reason not including a context header causes problems. This is probably by design though.

The solution with test_dir("tests/", reporter = "junit") prints out in result testthat.Rout. We could use sink() to write it to other file, but it is a workaround.

A better way is to call JunitReporter object directly and specify parameter where to put report:


test_check("packageToTest", reporter = JunitReporter$new(file = "junit_result.xml"))