How to produce JSON output with Jersey 1.6 using JAXB

Add the following param to the jersey servlet in web.xml file, this is required for the latest 1.x versions of jersey-servlet.


I solved this. All I needed to do was to add jersey-json-1.6.jar library to the project (this is not required part of jersey)

The other answers didn't work for me, but I finally got it to work with JSON.

I was using the jersey-bundle-1.17.jar (also tried with the asm-3.1.jar and jersey-json-1.17.jar added to classpath and still didn't work). I finally tried downloading the zip that includes 12 different jars. Once I added all 12 jars to my classpath I finally got rid of the error and works great returning JSON.

I hope this helps somebody.

Update: Here is a link to the zip file that contains the 12 jar files:

Another Update for Maven Users: Add the following to your pom.xml to get the 12 jars individually:


I use Google App Engine and have struggled a lot with this also, if you use jersey-bundle-1.17.jar most of the stuff work until you add


you will get a lot of strange messages. This is because you miss some jackson jars. If you go to jersey homepage and download the zip and the bundle. Just drop the bundle and from the zip you need to add the 4 jackson jars in your classpath and you should get everything working without any error.

Adding jackson-jaxrs-1.9.2.jar solve this error below

SEVERE: The registered message body writers compatible with the MIME media type are:
application/json ->

Adding jackson-xc-1.9.2.jar solve this warrning below

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/jackson/xc/JaxbAnnotationIntrospector

I hope this helps somebody.