How to produce a period sequence

Use \dotfill:


\NewDocumentCommand \dotbox {o O{.5\linewidth} m O{3ex} O{\linewidth}}

  \dotbox[Please sign below:]{A. U. Thor}

  \dotbox[And your initials:]{A. U. T.}[6ex][6em]
\dotbox[Sign here (4ex)][4cm]{\TeX.SX}[4ex]
\dotbox[And here (3ex)][3cm]{\TeX.SX}


Note that while this implementation allows you to have successive calls to \dotbox without a paragraph break, the baseline may be screwed up if you do so with differing dimensions, as can be seen from the second two uses.

Here is a sample TeX file to do it:



\def\mydots#1{\hbox to #1{\leaders\hbox{$\m@th
        \mkern 1mu\hbox{.}\mkern 1mu$}\hfil}}



\mydot{5pc} will put dots for a width 5pc. You can customize this.

Note: There is also a package named dashrule which has so may features.

Using \hbox is not really recommended, because it can have unexpected effects.

  \par % end the current paragraph (if necessary)
  \nopagebreak % don't break a page here
  \vspace{#1}% space before the signature
  \noindent\makebox[#2]{\dotfill}% make the dotted line
  \\* % go to a new line without any page break
  \noindent#3% signature
  \par % end the paragraph

Here's a complete example:


  \par % end the current paragraph (if necessary)
  \nopagebreak % don't break a page here
  \vspace{#1}% space before the signature
  \noindent\makebox[#2]{\dotfill}% make the dotted line
  \\* % go to a new line without any page break
  \noindent#3% signature
  \par % end the paragraph
  \vspace{#1}% space below the signature


Please sign here:

\dottedline{6cm}{A. U. Thor}

And your initials:

\dottedline[1ex]{3cm}{A. U. T.}


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