How to prevent parent component from reloading when changing a parameterised child component in Vue js

Preventing component reload is the default behavior in Vue.js. Vue's reactivity system automatically maps property dependencies and only performs the minimal amount of work to ensure the DOM is current.

By using a :key attribute anywhere, you are telling Vue.js that this element or component should only match when the keys match. If the keys don't match, the old one will be destroyed and a new one created.

It looks like you're also pulling in route parameters on the data object (Security.vue). Those will not update when the route parameters change, you should pull them in to a computed property so that they will always stay up-to-date.

export default {
  computed: {
    clientNo: (vm) => vm.$route.params.clientno,

That will ensure that clientNo always matches what is found in the router, regardless of whether Vue decides to re-use this component instance. If you need to perform other side-effects when clientNo changes, you can add a watcher:

vm.$watch("clientNo", (clientNo) => { /* ... */ })