How to prevent output screen from disappear in Visual Studio 2013 C++ Compiler

Another option in addition to what's already been mentioned is to go into the properties for the project and change the Subsystem in the System section in the Linker options to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE). Then the console window will remain when you run the program using ctrl+f5 (Debug/Start without debugging).

MSDN reference for the subsystem option.

You can run the application in debug mode and in release mode. Normally Ctrl + F5 will run the application without debugger. And F5just runs the application.

If you do Ctrl+F5 ("Start without Debugging"), the console remains open at the end and asks you to Press any key to continue . . . here you can see the output.

If you are just using F5 then you are in a debug mode. At the end you add, getchar() function before retuen 0;so the console will wait until you press any key...