How to preserve whitespace when saving command output to a Makefile variable?

This is a negative answer, unfortunately. The GNU Make Manual states (emphasis added):

The shell function performs the same function that backquotes perform in most shells: it does command expansion. This means that it takes as an argument a shell command and evaluates to the output of the command. The only processing make does on the result is to convert each newline (or carriage-return / newline pair) to a single space. If there is a trailing (carriage-return and) newline it will simply be removed.

I don't think that eval or define will help.

The only work-around that I can see is to store the cowsay hello command in a variable, instead of the command's output, as in:

OUTPUT=$$(seq 5)     # seq 5 replaces cowsay hello

    @echo "$(OUTPUT)" > output.txt

This work-around is bad if cowsay hello is expensive to calculate, or has side-effects. A second work-around is to keep its output, but replace the line-breaks with any arbitrary character(s), using for example sed, and then adding the line-breaks back. For example:

OUTPUT=$(shell seq 5 | sed s/$$/xxx/)            # add xxx to the end of each line

    @echo -n $(OUTPUT) ' ' | sed 's/xxx /\n/g'   # replace xxx-space with line break

I want to capture that output into a variable and then later print the variable to a file.

There does not seem to be a way around make's mechanism to translate newlines in the shell command output into spaces. A bit of a hack that stays close to your original approach would be to have the shell convert newlines into some uncommon character (like \1) when assigning the output to the variable and then have it translate it back when echo-ing that variable to the file. Something like this:

OUTPUT=$(shell cowsay hello | tr '\n' '\1')

        @echo "$(OUTPUT)" | tr '\1' '\n' > output.txt

For me, this results in

$ make
$ cat output.txt 
< hello >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||