How to plot non-square Seaborn jointplot or JointGrid

For those who use Seaborn into a Jupyter Notebook, I suggest calling set_figwidht() and set_figheight() just after the sns.jointplot() command.

my_plot=sns.jointplot(x="K",y="errori",data=risultati , kind="scatter")

Jupyter Example

Stumbled upon this question looking for the answer myself. Having figured it out I thought I'd post the solution. As the jointplot code seems quite insistent on having the figure square I don't know if this is considered bad practice, but anyhow...

If we look through the jointplot code and follow it into JointGrid, the size parameter to jointplot (and equally JointGrid) is used in the following expression:

f = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size))
# ... later on
self.fig = f

So to get a non-square JointGrid plot, simply run:

grid = sns.jointplot(...)
grid.savefig("filename.png", dpi=300)

for a 6x4 figure.