How to Pivot table in BigQuery

Update 2020:

Just call fhoffa.x.pivot(), as detailed in this post:


For the 2019 example, for example:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `fh-bigquery.temp.a` AS (
 SELECT * EXCEPT(SensorName), REGEXP_REPLACE(SensorName, r'.*/', '') SensorName
 FROM `data-sensing-lab.io_sensor_data.moscone_io13`

CALL fhoffa.x.pivot(
  , 'fh-bigquery.temp.delete_pivotted' # destination table
  , ['MoteName', 'TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(Timestamp, HOUR) AS hour'] # row_ids
  , 'SensorName' # pivot_col_name
  , 'Data' # pivot_col_value
  , 8 # max_columns
  , 'AVG' # aggregation
  , 'LIMIT 10' # optional_limit

Update 2019:

Since this is a popular question, let me update to #standardSQL and a more general case of pivoting. In this case we have multiple rows, and each sensor looks at a different type of property. To pivot it, we would do something like:

  , TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(Timestamp, hour) hour
  , AVG(IF(SensorName LIKE '%altitude', Data, null)) altitude
  , AVG(IF(SensorName LIKE '%light', Data, null)) light
  , AVG(IF(SensorName LIKE '%mic', Data, null)) mic
  , AVG(IF(SensorName LIKE '%temperature', Data, null)) temperature
FROM `data-sensing-lab.io_sensor_data.moscone_io13`
WHERE MoteName = 'XBee_40670F5F'

enter image description here

As an alternative to AVG() you can try MAX(), ANY_VALUE(), etc.


I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but:

SELECT NTH(1, words) WITHIN RECORD column_1, NTH(2, words) WITHIN RECORD column_2, f0_
  SELECT NEST(word) words, SUM(c)  
  FROM (
    SELECT word, SUM(word_count) c
    FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare
    WHERE word in ('brave', 'attended')
    GROUP BY 1

enter image description here

UPDATE: Same results, simpler query:

SELECT NTH(1, word) column_1, NTH(2, word) column_2, SUM(c)
    SELECT word, SUM(word_count) c
    FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare
    WHERE word in ('brave', 'attended')
    GROUP BY 1

Update 2021:

A new PIVOT operator has been introduced into BigQuery.

Before PIVOT is used to rotate sales and quarter into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 columns:

product sales quarter
Kale 51 Q1
Kale 23 Q2
Kale 45 Q3
Kale 3 Q4
Apple 77 Q1
Apple 0 Q2
Apple 25 Q3
Apple 2 Q4

After PIVOT is used to rotate sales and quarter into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 columns:

product Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Apple 77 0 25 2
Kale 51 23 45 3


with Produce AS (
  SELECT 'Kale' as product, 51 as sales, 'Q1' as quarter UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Kale', 23, 'Q2' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Kale', 45, 'Q3' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Kale', 3, 'Q4' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Apple', 77, 'Q1' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Apple', 0, 'Q2' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Apple', 25, 'Q3' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'Apple', 2, 'Q4')
  (SELECT product, sales, quarter FROM Produce)
  PIVOT(SUM(sales) FOR quarter IN ('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4'))

To build list of columns dynamically use execute immediate:

execute immediate (             
  select '''
    select * 
    from (select product, sales, quarter from Produce)
    pivot(sum(sales) for quarter in ("''' ||  string_agg(distinct quarter, '", "' order by quarter)  || '''"))
  from Produce