How to pause figures in beamer

You can also use


in order to have content only visible on slide 1, but reserve space for it on the other slides. This may help you with your positioning problem.

You can use \only:





To preserve the relative position in slide one, you can use overlayarea:





and, since \includegraphics is overlay-aware, you can also say





or, even simpler, \visible, as suggested by silvado; here's a complete version of the code:





I have just answered a very similar question here on tex.stackexchange, and I figured it would be a good solution for your problem too.

So, in short, your code is almost perfect if you download this custom style file and add it with a usepackage statement:


%% %% %% ADD THIS LINE



\includegraphics{gfx/img1} \\


(the style file contains a rewritten version of \includegraphics that will draw your image with some added opacity).