How to pass LongRunning flag specifically to Task.Run()?

Call Unwrap on the task returned from Task.Factory.StartNew this will return the inner task, which has the correct status.

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(
async () => {
while (true)
        await Task.Delay(500, cts.Token);
    catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { }
} }, cts.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap();

I have Task that loops continuously until it is externally canceled that I would like to set as 'long running' (i.e. give it a dedicated thread)... anyone know how to best go about running an async task while both storing that active task itself (with desired taskStatus) and setting the task to long running?

There's a few problems with this. First, "long running" does not necessarily mean a dedicated thread - it just means that you're giving the TPL a hint that the task is long-running. In the current (4.5) implementation, you will get a dedicated thread; but that's not guaranteed and could change in the future.

So, if you need a dedicated thread, you'll have to just create one.

The other problem is the notion of an "asynchronous task". What actually happens with async code running on the thread pool is that the thread is returned to the thread pool while the asynchronous operation (i.e., Task.Delay) is in progress. Then, when the async op completes, a thread is taken from the thread pool to resume the async method. In the general case, this is more efficient than reserving a thread specifically to complete that task.

So, with async tasks running on the thread pool, dedicated threads don't really make sense.

Regarding solutions:

If you do need a dedicated thread to run your async code, I'd recommend using the AsyncContextThread from my AsyncEx library:

using (var thread = new AsyncContextThread())
  Task t = thread.TaskFactory.Run(async () =>
    while (true)
        await Task.Delay(500, cts.Token);
      catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { }

However, you almost certainly don't need a dedicated thread. If your code can execute on the thread pool, then it probably should; and a dedicated thread doesn't make sense for async methods running on the thread pool. More specifically, the long-running flag doesn't make sense for async methods running on the thread pool.

Put another way, with an async lambda, what the thread pool actually executes (and sees as tasks) are just the parts of the lambda in-between the await statements. Since those parts aren't long-running, the long-running flag is not required. And your solution becomes:

Task t = Task.Run(async () =>
  while (true)
    cts.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // not long-running
      "Running...".Dump(); // not long-running
      await Task.Delay(500, cts.Token); // not executed by the thread pool
    catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { }