How to pass in parameters to a dagger module from a activity or fragment at runtime

The problem you have can be solved using "Assisted injection" approach.

It means that you need a class to be built both using dependencies provided from the existing scopes and some dependencies from the instance's creator, in this case, your main activity. Guice from Google has a nice description of what it is and why it is needed

Unfortunately, Dagger 2 does not have this feature out from the box. However, Jake Wharton is working on a separate library that can be attached to Dagger. Moreover, you can find more details in his talk on Droidcon London 2018, where he dedicated a whole talk section for this question:

You can recreate your whole component at runtime if you wish, where you'd then pass in the parameters to your module as a constructor parameter. Something like:

fun changeAddress(address: String) {
    val component = DaggerAppComponent.builder() //Assign this to wherever we want to keep a handle on the component
    component.inject(this) //To reinject dependencies

And your module would look like:

class AppModule(private val address: String) {...}

This method may be wasteful though, if you're creating many different objects in your component.

A different approach compared to the already given answers would be to get a "Factory" via dagger dependency injection called GeoModelFactory which can create new instances of GeoModel for you.

You can pass the address and type to the factory which creates your instance. For optimization you can either store references for all different address/types that have already been requested (can result in a memory leak if there are a lot of different ones if old ones are not removed) or it could also be enough if you store only the latest instance and in other parts of the code to simply ask the factory to provide you with the GeoModel that has been created last.