How to pass data between react native screens?

To pass data from Screen1 to Screen2. Here we're storing the array in a state.

onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('Screen2', {array: this.state.array})}

To get the data from Screen1 in Screen2


The source of this response is official documentation. I have tried it as well because the above solution didn't work for me. For more information you can go to this React Navigation Docs.

The easiest way to pass the data is when you are navigating. To do that it is better that you put your array in a state an then use the following method:

     this.props.navigation.navigate('Screen2', {
          yourArray: this.state.yourArray, });

Then in the next screen(Screen2) you can find the array(your data) in the props.So in your constructor in scrren2 you can find the data here:

  constructor(props) {

    var params = props.navigation.state.params.yourArray;


Also to come back to your previous screen without touching your states you can use this code in your back button:

  const { goBack } = this.props.navigation;