How to pass async variable in template (action) function?

Another option for simple variables and without any observables is writing value of the variable into hidden input:

<div *ngIf="(match | async)?.id">
    <input  #myControl [value]="(match | async).id" type="hidden" />
    <div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(myControl.value)">

You can't do it in template.

But you can:

<div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite()">

and in your .component.ts:

public addToFavorite() {
    .match  // should retain last value (e.g. use BehaviorSubject)
    .first() // completes after passing one value only
      (matchValue) => {
        // your logic here

Note: We are subscribing (and immediately unsubscribing), similarly async pipe subscribes to Observable.

Here is how I solved it :

<div *ngIf="(match | async) as match" class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(">

It's short, simple and it works.

<ng-container *ngIf="(match | async) as match">
   <div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(">

Update January 20th 2021

To be more clear I would name match observable source as match$.

And we can now use the new @ngrx/component package and use the new ngrxLet structural directive :

<ng-container *ngrxLet="match$ as match">
  <div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(">

The async pipe is no more necessary. More info on, on this link.