How to pass a PHP variable to Vue component instance in Laravel blade?

I just did this and it's working great for me. Using Laravel 5.4 and Vue 2.x.

In my component, declare a property (props) for the object:

props: ['currentUser'],

On my blade page where the component is instantiated:

<my-component v-bind:current-user='{!! Auth::user()->toJson() !!}'></my-component>

Note that in the component, I am using camelCase for currentUser, but because html is case-insensitive, you have to use kebab-case (thus, the 'current-user').

Also note, if you use blade syntax {{ }} then the data between is run through php htmlspecialchars. if you want unencoded data (which in this case you would), then use {!! !!}

You have to use Vue's props to be able to pass attributes to Vue's components through markup. Take a look at the following example:

<client-details inline-template client-id="{{ $client->id }}">
    <div id="client-details" class="">
          My HTML stuff

In your Vue component:

Vue.component('client-details', {
    props: [
            name: 'clientId',

Now in other parts of your Vue component, you can access this value as this.clientId.

Issue Details

Please note that in HTML we write attribute name in kebab-case but in Vue side we write it in camelCase. More info in official docs here.

Also, you are using Vue's v-bind shorthand in :clientId="{{ $client->id }}" which means that Vue will deal anything inside double quotes as a JavaScript expression, therefore you may get errors in that case as well. Instead, you should use this format clientId="{{ $client->id }} without a colon.