How to parse my json string in C#(4.0)using Newtonsoft.Json package?

foreach (var data in dynObj.quizlist)
    foreach (var data1 in data.QUIZ.QPROP)
        Response.Write("Name" + ":" + + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Intro" + ":" + data1.intro + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Timeopen" + ":" + data1.timeopen + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Timeclose" + ":" + data1.timeclose + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Timelimit" + ":" + data1.timelimit + "<br>");
        Response.Write("Noofques" + ":" + data1.noofques + "<br>");

        foreach (var queprop in data1.QUESTION.QUEPROP)
            Response.Write("Questiontext" + ":" + queprop.questiontext  + "<br>");
            Response.Write("Mark" + ":" + queprop.mark  + "<br>");

You can use this tool to create appropriate c# classes:

and when you will have classes created you can simply convert string to object:

    public static T ParseJsonObject<T>(string json) where T : class, new()
        JObject jobject = JObject.Parse(json);
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(jobject.ToString());

Here that classes:

Just fix namespaces.

You could create your own class of type Quiz and then deserialize with strong type:


quizresult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Quiz>(args.Message,
                 new JsonSerializerSettings
                     Error = delegate(object sender1, ErrorEventArgs args1)
                         args1.ErrorContext.Handled = true;

And you could also apply a schema validation.