How to pack normals into GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV

The order in your bitfield declaration looks incorrect. Based on the spec document (section "2.8.2 Packed Vertex Data Formats" on page 32 of the 3.3 spec), the bit range for each component is:

x: bits 0-9
y: bits 10-19
z: bits 20-29
w: bits 30-31

After some searching, it looks like the order of bits in a bitfield is not defined by the C standard. See e.g. Which end of a bit field is the most significant bit?

The compilers I have seen typically use a lowest to highest bit order. For example, Microsoft defines this for their compiler:

Bit fields are allocated within an integer from least-significant to most-significant bit.

If you rely on using a compiler with this order, your declaration should look like this:

union Vec3IntPacked {
    int i32;
    struct {
        int x:10;
        int y:10;
        int z:10;
        int w:2;
    } i32f3;

For guaranteed full portability, you would use shift operators to build the values, and not use a bitfield at all.

Depending on how you declare and use the attribute in your vertex shader, you may also want to make sure that you set the w component to 1. Of course if you don't use the w component in the vertex shader, that will not be necessary.

I'm just leaving this here, because I had a hard time getting this to work and there is no full-scale answer on StackOverflow. Reto Koradi is correct about the byte/bit ordering (the OpenGL wiki also shows the layout) and using shifts, but you still need to get there correctly... The example code (and other questions here on StackOverflow) seem to rely on undefined behaviour and it didn't work for me. What is working for me (for OpenGL <= 4.1) is

inline uint32_t Pack_INT_2_10_10_10_REV(float x, float y, float z, float w)
    const uint32_t xs = x < 0;
    const uint32_t ys = y < 0;
    const uint32_t zs = z < 0;
    const uint32_t ws = w < 0;
    uint32_t vi =
        ws << 31 | ((uint32_t)(w + (ws << 1)) & 1) << 30 |
        zs << 29 | ((uint32_t)(z * 511 + (zs << 9)) & 511) << 20 |
        ys << 19 | ((uint32_t)(y * 511 + (ys << 9)) & 511) << 10 |
        xs << 9  | ((uint32_t)(x * 511 + (xs << 9)) & 511);
    return vi;

which I found here. For normals just leave out the "w" part. If you have a faster/easier method, I'd love to know it. For setting up the attribute pointer, make sure you use

glVertexAttribPointer(1, 4, GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, GL_TRUE, stride, dataPointer);

and your normal data arrives in your shader as a vec4, mapped to [-1,1]. You can also conveniently use a vec3 if you don't need the w-component and OpenGL will just give you xyz, so probably you don't need to change any shader code at all. Some answers state you must use "glVertexAttribIPointer", but this wrong.
Note that as of OpenGL 4.2 the mapping from float to the packed format was changed, so the conversion is different, but easier. This is vertex format also supported in OpenGL ES 3.0 and above.

