How to open webstorm from terminal

Update January 2016 using Webstorm 11.0.3 on mac os x

There was no option as described in the accepted answer.

Instead, just use the already installed command line binary wstorm designed for this purpose. Location shown below:

enter image description here

If you actually wish to open webstorm and have it load the contents of the current working directory for example, then place a . after the command:

wstorm .

Noted, others had made similar comments in this answers section, and wished to clarify the situation.

In Webstorm 2020.1.2 you need to do it via JetBrains ToolBox Settings. To do that go to JetBrain Toolbox, click on the settings cog, open Shell Scripts and type the path: /usr/local/bin click apply. Go to your terminal, from your project folder type webstorm . Hope this helps.

enter image description here

As suggested by Ali Faris(comment below), if you have an error like this Shell Scripts failed: /usr/local/bin/webstorm (Permission denied): inside of the logs Jetbrains Toobox -> settings -> show log files -> toolbox.log (for me in: ~/Library/Logs/JetBrains/Toolbox).

Change /usr/local/bin to another folder name of your choice with the correct access rights, e.g - I chose this name: ~/.jetbrains-launchers.

You can check if script is created by Jetbrains: ls ~/.jetbrains-launchers (you should see a script for each of the jetbrains applications you use).

Add this to your path if needed for example if you use zsh add this at the bottom of your .zshrc export PATH="$HOME/.jetbrains-launchers:$PATH"

Open a new terminal window and this should work.

Basically jetbrains will create script like this (in this case for webstorm cat ~/.jetbrains-launchers/webstorm):

#Generated by JetBrains Toolbox 1.22.10970 at 2022-01-08T12:57:24.803251

declare -a ideargs=()
declare -- wait=""

for o in "$@"; do
  if [[ "$o" = "--wait" || "$o" = "-w" ]]; then
  if [[ "$o" =~ " " ]]; then

open -na "/Users/[YOUR-USER]/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/WebStorm/ch-0/213.6461.79/" $wait --args "${ideargs[@]}"

  1. Try in terminal 'wstorm' and 'webstorm'
  2. If the commands don't work you can run in WebStorm: "Tools" -> "Create Command Line Launcher..."

Note: The solution works only for Linux / MacOS