How to open SBT Tool Window in Intellij?

To be able to open SBT Console from View -> Tool Windows you first need to install the plugin required for it.

You can find the SBT plugin by searching for it under Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories

Plugin homepage:

In Menu: View -> Tool Windows there should be two entries:

  1. SBT
  2. SBT Console

The first you can use to refresh IDEA project structure from SBT and view dependencies.

The second gives you a console where you can run sbt commands.


As Justin already aded:

As of IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 Build #IC-171.3780.52 there is a new and (imho) better way:

(If you are working with an SBT project, that is)

When you open the SBT Tool Window, you will find a new scala terminal icon:

enter image description here

This will open an sbt console session with your sbt project import settings.

One major benefit is that you will actually (finally) get links to your code lines for compiler warnings and errors.

In IntelliJ 2017.1, an sbt shell is integrated with the Scala plugin. You can open it from an icon on the sbt project view toolwindow, or from the "Tools" menu enter image description here