How to open deep link from mobile browser?

Simply Just execute this command to your android studio terminal

adb shell am start -d deeplink


adb shell am start -d rm://settingpage/v1

Chrome does not treat URI schemes entered into the address bar as active links. You need to put it inside an <a> element.

Note that while this will work, it is not a valid deep linking solution. You should investigate Chrome Intents, or a full deep linking system like (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team) or Firebase Dynamic Links.

Opening deep link in smartphone. enter image description here

  1. Verify that you have installed the app belonged to deep link
  2. Open website Online Link Creator in smartphone browser (i.e. Chrome)
  3. Enter any text for link then paste the deep link into link input box.
  4. Click on Generate Link button
  5. Now you can see link just below button
  6. Now you can click on that link. It will be open in desired App.
  7. Done...!

Moreover, this process generates html & CSS code, which can be usable in WYSIWYG editor.

A quick solution is to just go to an HTML editor online, like for example this one:

And paste your link over there. Something like:

<a href="fb://mygroup">My Facebook Group</a>

The editor will create the link for you and you'll be able to tap it and use the deeplink from your mobile device.