How to omit file/line number with console.log

To keep your logging statements clean, you could define the following function and simply use console.print to log without filename/line numbers:

// console.print: console.log without filename/line number
console.print = function (...args) {
    queueMicrotask (console.log.bind (console, ...args));

console.print takes the same arguments as console.log for example:

console.print("Text with no filename info.")

console.print('%c Custom CSS and no line numbers! ', 'background: #555555; color: #00aaff');

This is pretty simple to do. You will need to use setTimeout with a console.log.bind:

setTimeout (console.log.bind (console, "This is a sentence."));

And if you want to apply CSS or additional text to it just add add %c or any other % variable:

setTimeout (console.log.bind (console, "%cThis is a sentence.", "font-weight: bold;"));
var css = "text-decoration: underline;";
setTimeout (console.log.bind (console, "%cThis is a sentence.", css));

Note that this method will always be placed at the end of the log list. For example:

console.log ("Log 1");
setTimeout (console.log.bind (console, "This is a sentence."));
console.log ("Log 2");

will appear as

Log 1
Log 2
This is a sentence.

instead of

Log 1
This is a sentence.
Log 2

I hope this answers your question.