How to obtain the cell-adjacency graph of a mesh?

I think, I found a general and even faster way, but I haven't tested it for $1$- or $3$-dimensional MeshRegions.

The following function computes the cell-vertex-adjacency matrix A. Two $d$-dimensional cells ($d>0$) are adjacent if they share at least $d$ common points. We can find these pairs by looking for entries $\geq d$ in A.Transpose[A].

ToPack = Developer`ToPackedArray;
getCellCellAdjacencyList[R_MeshRegion, d_] := 
 Module[{pts, cells, A, lens, n, m, nn},
  pts = MeshCoordinates[R];
  cells = ToPack[MeshCells[R, d][[All, 1]]];
  lens = Length /@ cells;
  n = Length[pts];
  m = Length[cells];
  nn = Total[lens];
  A = SparseArray @@ {Automatic, {m, n}, 0, {1, {
       ToPack[Join[{0}, Accumulate[lens]]],
       ArrayReshape[Flatten[Sort /@ cells], {nn, 1}]
      ConstantArray[1, nn]}};
    UnitStep[UpperTriangularize[A.Transpose[A], 1] -  d]

A special treatment is necessary for 0-dimensional cells; it's just the edges that we need.

getCellCellAdjacencyList[R_MeshRegion, 0] := ToPack[MeshCells[R, 1][[All, 1]]]

Here are some examples:

pts = RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
R = VoronoiMesh[pts];

  {VoronoiMesh[pts, MeshCellLabel -> {d -> "Index"}],
   Graph[getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, d], VertexLabels -> "Name"]
   }, {d, 0, 2}], ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

And some timings for comparison:

pts = RandomReal[1, {10000, 2}];
R = VoronoiMesh[pts]; // RepeatedTiming
getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 0]; // RepeatedTiming
getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 1]; // RepeatedTiming
getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 2]; // RepeatedTiming

{0.636, Null}

{0.015, Null}

{0.031, Null}

{0.041, Null}


It's now rather straight-forward to write methods for the various adjacency matrices, lists, and graphs, even for cells of different dimensions (see below).

Edit 2

As Chip Hurst pointed out, the adjacency matrix of a MeshRegion R for distinct dimensions d1, d2 can be found as pattern SparseArray under R["ConnectivityMatrix"[d1,d2]]. (Its "RowPointers" and "ColumnIndices" must have been computed immediately when the MeshRegion was built.)

Many applications of adjacency matrices, in particular in finite elements, need 1 instead of Pattern as nonzero entries. Even computing vertex rings in a graph by using MatrixPowers of the adjacency matrix is considerably faster with (real) numeric matrices. A remedy could be the function SparseArrayFromPatternArray below. As Chip Hurst has pointed out, we can turn a pattern array into a numerical one with Unitize. I updated my old code to utilize this observation, leading to a tremendous performance boost. Somewhat surprisingly, even the old implementation of CellAdjacencyMatrix[R, 1, 2] tends to be faster than R["ConnectivityMatrix"[1,2]], so that I decided to use the new approach only for the case when either d1 or d2 is equal to 0.

CellAdjacencyMatrix[R_MeshRegion, d_, 0] := If[MeshCellCount[R, d] > 0,
   Unitize[R["ConnectivityMatrix"[d, 0]]],

CellAdjacencyMatrix[R_MeshRegion, 0, d_] := If[MeshCellCount[R, d] > 0,
   Unitize[R["ConnectivityMatrix"[0, d]]],

CellAdjacencyMatrix[R_MeshRegion, 0, 0] := 
  If[MeshCellCount[R, 1] > 0,
   With[{A = CellAdjacencyMatrix[R, 0, 1]},
    With[{B = A.Transpose[A]},
     SparseArray[B - DiagonalMatrix[Diagonal[B]]]

CellAdjacencyMatrix[R_MeshRegion, d1_, d2_] := 
  If[(MeshCellCount[R, d1] > 0) && (MeshCellCount[R, d2] > 0), 
   With[{B = CellAdjacencyMatrix[R, d1, 0].CellAdjacencyMatrix[R, 0, d2]},
     If[d1 == d2,
      UnitStep[B - DiagonalMatrix[Diagonal[B]] - d1],
      UnitStep[B - (Min[d1, d2] + 1)]

CellAdjacencyLists[R_MeshRegion, d1_, d2_] := 
  If[(MeshCellCount[R, d1] > 0) && (MeshCellCount[R, d2] > 0),
   Module[{i1, i2, data},
    data = If[d1 == d2,
      UpperTriangularize[CellAdjacencyMatrix[R, d1, d2], 1]["NonzeroPositions"], 
      CellAdjacencyMatrix[R, d1, d2]["NonzeroPositions"]
    If[Length[data] > 0,
     {i1, i2} = Transpose[data];
       Transpose[{ConstantArray[d1, {Length[i1]}], i1}],
       Transpose[{ConstantArray[d2, {Length[i2]}], i2}]

CellAdjacencyGraph[R_MeshRegion, d1_, d2_] := Graph[
   Join[MeshCellIndex[R, d1], MeshCellIndex[R, d2]],
   UndirectedEdge @@@ CellAdjacencyLists[R, d1, d2],
   VertexLabels -> "Name"

Note that CellAdjacencyLists and CellAdjacencyGraph use labels that are compatible with those obtained from MeshCellIndex. Applied to Szabolcs's example MeshRegion, theses graphs look as follows:

 Table[CellAdjacencyGraph[R, d1, d2], {d1, 0, 2}, {d2, 0, 2}], 
 ImageSize -> Full]

enter image description here

As for comparing the performance of these new implementations to getCellCellAdjacencyList:

 getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 0]; // RepeatedTiming // First,
 getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 1]; // RepeatedTiming // First,
 getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 2]; // RepeatedTiming // First
 CellAdjacencyLists[R, 0, 0]; // RepeatedTiming // First,
 CellAdjacencyLists[R, 1, 1]; // RepeatedTiming // First,
 CellAdjacencyLists[R, 2, 2]; // RepeatedTiming // First

{0.015, 0.030, 0.037}

{0.0068, 0.011, 0.0066}

I need three compiled helper functions:

getEdgesFromPolygons = Compile[{{f, _Integer, 1}},
     Min[Compile`GetElement[f, i], Compile`GetElement[f, Mod[i + 1, Length[f], 1]]], 
     Max[Compile`GetElement[f, i], Compile`GetElement[f, Mod[i + 1, Length[f], 1]]]
    {i, 1, Length[f]}
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
   Parallelization -> True,
   CompilationTarget -> "C"
takeSortedThread = Compile[{{data, _Integer, 1}, {ran, _Integer, 1}},
   Sort[Part[data, ran[[1]] ;; ran[[2]]]],
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
   Parallelization -> True,
   CompilationTarget -> "C"
extractIntegerFromSparseMatrix = Compile[
   {{vals, _Integer, 1}, {rp, _Integer, 1}, {ci, _Integer, 
     1}, {background, _Integer},
    {i, _Integer}, {j, _Integer}},
    k = rp[[i]] + 1;
    While[k < rp[[i + 1]] + 1 && ci[[k]] != j, ++k];
    If[k == rp[[i + 1]] + 1, background, vals[[k]]]
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
   Parallelization -> True,
   CompilationTarget -> "C"

The following functions takes a MeshRegion and finds all pairs of neighboring two-dimensional MeshCells. First, it generates a list of all edges (with sorted indices) and creates a lookup table for edges in form of a SparseArray. With the lookup table, we can find the indices of all edges bounding a given polygon, so that we can build the SparseArray edgepolygonadjacencymatrix, whose "AdjacencyLists" is what we are looking for. The method should have linear complexity.

ToPack = Developer`ToPackedArray;
getPolygonPolygonAdjacencyList[R_MeshRegion] := 
 Module[{pts, polygons, edgesfrompolygons, edges, edgelookupcontainer,
    polyranges, polygonsneighedges, edgepolygonadjacencymatrix, acc},
  pts = MeshCoordinates[R];
  polygons = ToPack[MeshCells[R, 2][[All, 1]]];
  edgesfrompolygons =  ToPack[Flatten[getEdgesFromPolygons[polygons], 1]];
  edges = DeleteDuplicates[edgesfrompolygons];
  edgelookupcontainer = 
    Rule[Join[edges, Transpose[Transpose[edges][[{2, 1}]]]], 
     Join[Range[1, Length[edges]], Range[1, Length[edges]]]], {Length[
      pts], Length[pts]}];
  acc = Join[{0}, Accumulate[ToPack[Length /@ polygons]]];
  polyranges = Transpose[{Most[acc] + 1, Rest[acc]}];
  polygonsneighedges = takeSortedThread[extractIntegerFromSparseMatrix[
      edgesfrompolygons[[All, 1]],
      edgesfrompolygons[[All, 2]]],
  edgepolygonadjacencymatrix = Transpose@With[{
      n = Length[edges], m = Length[polygons],
      data = ToPack[Flatten[polygonsneighedges]]
     SparseArray @@ {Automatic, {m, n}, 
       0, {1, {acc, Transpose[{data}]}, ConstantArray[1, Length[data]]}}
  Select[(edgepolygonadjacencymatrix["AdjacencyLists"]), Length[#] == 2 &]

Testing with OP's example:

pts = RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
R = VoronoiMesh[pts, MeshCellLabel -> {2 -> "Index"}]
 UndirectedEdge @@@ getPolygonPolygonAdjacencyList[R],
 VertexLabels -> "Name"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Speed test

pts = RandomReal[1, {10000, 2}];
R = VoronoiMesh[pts, 
    MeshCellLabel -> {2 -> "Index"}]; // RepeatedTiming
getPolygonPolygonAdjacencyList[R]; // RepeatedTiming

{0.625, Null}

{0.086, Null}


Slight improvement by merging Sort into takeThread (takeThread replaced by takeSortedThread).

Slight improvement by replacing Extract with extractIntegerFromSparseMatrix.

Here's another way.

Data from OP:

pts = RandomReal[1, {10, 2}];
mesh = VoronoiMesh[pts];

Get the adjacency matrix:

conn = mesh["ConnectivityMatrix"[2, 1]];
adj = conn.Transpose[conn];

Find the cell centroids for visualization purposes:

centers = PropertyValue[{mesh, 2}, MeshCellCentroid];

g = AdjacencyGraph[adj, PlotTheme -> "Scientific", VertexCoordinates -> centers];

Show[mesh, g]

enter image description here

Using the same profiling code as Henrik, we have

pts = RandomReal[1, {10000, 2}];
R = VoronoiMesh[pts]; // RepeatedTiming

getCellCellAdjacencyList[R, 2]; // RepeatedTiming

  conn = R["ConnectivityMatrix"[2, 1]];
  conn . Transpose[conn];

{0.632, Null}

{0.042, Null}

{0.012, Null}