how to obtain all values of a multi-valued key from Django's request.GET QueryDict


will give the complete query string

or if you want to get the list of values for a given key ex: list of values for status then


This should work:

mstring = []
for key in request.GET.iterkeys():  # "for key in request.GET" works too.
    # Add filtering logic here.
    valuelist = request.GET.getlist(key)
    mstring.extend(['%s=%s' % (key, val) for val in valuelist])
print '&'.join(mstring)

I believe QueryDict.urlencode achieves your desired outcome if all you want to do is print out the QueryDict then just

print request.GET.urlencode()

should do the trick. Let me know if you were trying to do something else and I'll try to help!

