How to neatly space the equals sign when using probabilities?

It's straightforward to define a macro such as \newcommand\myeq{\mkern1.5mu{=}\mkern1.5mu} -- choose the argument of \mkern to suit your personal preferences -- and thus to rewrite your equation as

 \Pr(A\myeq a)  &= \Pr(B\myeq b \mid C\myeq c)

In the TeXbook (p. 174, near bottom of page), though, DEK suggests not reducing the whitespace around the = symbols but, instead, adding more whitespace elsewhere in the full equation via judiciously-placed \, directives:

 \[ \Pr(\, A=a \,) = \Pr(\, B=b \mid C=c \,) \]

A full MWE:

enter image description here

\Pr(A=a)       &= \Pr(B=b \mid C=c) \\           % original form
\Pr(A\myeq a)  &= \Pr(B\myeq b \mid C\myeq c) \\ % less whitespace around "="
\Pr(\, A=a \,) &= \Pr(\, B=b \mid C=c \,)        % *more* whitespace

I turn my comment to an answer since I think it is an adequate solution, in particular in this situation, and it is simpler than the other approaches. I also find no flaw in its visual appearance. It also makes sense to me logically, since A=a can be viewed as a compound label for an event, not necessarily as an equation. Even if it's an equation, it's just too tiny to be granted the same rights as other equations.

enter image description here

\[ \Pr(A{=}a) = \Pr(B{=}b \mid C{=}c) \]

This reduces by half the space around the equals sign in the argument to \Pr; it also has the advantage of being able to set the size of the delimiters in an optional argument.


  \begingroup\lccode`~=`= \lowercase{\endgroup\let~}\reducedequals
  \edef\equals{\mathchar\the\mathcode`= }%


$\Pr{A=a} = \Pr{B=b \given C=c}$

$\Pr[\big]{A=\frac{1}{2}} = \Pr[\Big]{B=b \given C=\sqrt{\frac{a^{2^n}}{b}}}$


enter image description here