How to navigate screen on notification open in React Native with One Signal?

You can dispatch a NavigationAction or perform a navigate action when onOpened is fired. Following snippet should work:

componentWillMount() {
    OneSignal.removeEventListener('opened', this.onOpened.bind(this));
    OneSignal.addEventListener('opened', this.onOpened.bind(this));

onOpened(openResult) {
    let data = openResult.notification.payload.additionalData;
    // ScreenName is the name of the screen you defined in StackNavigator
    this.props.navigation.navigate('ScreenName', data)

To achieve the desired behavior you can do couple of things. You can manually check the notification and state of the router and if its necessary redirect the user to the screen or you can use the Deep Linking functionality.

To use Deep Linking you attach url parameter to your notification while sending it. To direct user to the correct screen in your app you can use react-navigation deep linking functionality.

From One Signal Documentation

url string The URL to open in the browser when a user clicks on the notification. Example:

Note: iOS needs https or updated NSAppTransportSecurity in plist

From React Navigation Documentation

Deep Linking

In this guide we will set up our app to handle external URIs. Let's start with the SimpleApp that we created in the getting started guide. In this example, we want a URI like mychat://chat/Taylor to open our app and link straight into Taylor's chat page.

In search for the solution I landed on this question and I think most of the answers are now old. So, in case anyone looking for the solution can try this.

OneSignal.setNotificationOpenedHandler((notificationResponse) => {
      const { notification } = notificationResponse;
      if (notification) {
        const { additionalData = null } = notification;
        if (additionalData) {
          const { type } = additionalData;
 const navigateToScreen = (type) => {
    switch (type) {
      case "post":
      case "track":