How to modify imported source code on-the-fly?

Here's a solution based on the content of this great talk. It allows any arbitrary modifications to be made to the source before importing the specified module. It should be reasonably correct as long as the slides did not omit anything important. This will only work on Python 3.5+.

import importlib
import sys

def modify_and_import(module_name, package, modification_func):
    spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name, package)
    source = spec.loader.get_source(module_name)
    new_source = modification_func(source)
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    codeobj = compile(new_source, module.__spec__.origin, 'exec')
    exec(codeobj, module.__dict__)
    sys.modules[module_name] = module
    return module

So, using this you can do

my_module = modify_and_import("my_module", None, lambda src: src.replace("hello", "world"))

This doesn't answer the general question of dynamically modifying the source code of an imported module, but to "Override" or "monkey-patch" its use of the print() function can be done (since it's a built-in function in Python 3.x). Here's how:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import builtins

_print = builtins.print

def my_print(*args, **kwargs):
    _print('In my_print: ', end='')
    return _print(*args, **kwargs)

builtins.print = my_print

import my_module  # -> In my_print: hello