How to modify file access control in .NET Core

At this time there are two extension methods: GetAccessControl and SetAccessControl, for FileInfo, DirectoryInfo and etc.

So you can use var ac = new FileInfo(path).GetAccessControl(), this expression is valid both in .NET Framework and .Net Core. But you still need dotnet add package System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.

File.GetAccessControl isn't available in .NET Core.


The FileSecurity class is now part of the System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl package for .NET Core. There is no longer a File.GetAccessControl method so you will need to instantiate the FileSecurity instance yourself.

How to Get and modify User Group Other Rights on Windows

I finally implement the Windows file permission access:

1. Get the file security:

      var security = new FileSecurity(fileSystemInfoFullName, 
                AccessControlSections.Owner | 
                AccessControlSections.Group |

2. Get the authorization rules:

var authorizationRules = security.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(NTAccount));

3. Get the authorization rules for the owner:

var owner = security.GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount));
foreach (AuthorizationRule rule in authorizationRules)
    FileSystemAccessRule fileRule = rule as FileSystemAccessRule;
    if (fileRule != null)
        if (owner != null && fileRule.IdentityReference == owner)
             if (fileRule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile) ||
                fileRule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute) ||
                ownerRights.IsExecutable = true;
        else if (group != null && fileRule.IdentityReference == group)
            // TO BE CONTINUED...

4. Add a rule for owner:

    new FileSystemAccessRule(owner, FileSystemRights.Modify, AccessControlType.Allow),
    out bool modified);

5. Bonus

How to get the group and others, or ... my definition of something equivalent ?

var group = security.GetGroup(typeof(NTAccount));

var others = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinUsersSid, null)

Note: This code comes from my open source project Lx.Shell