how to mock Expression<func<T>> parameter code example

Example: how to mock Expression> parameter

var fakeLessonList = new List<Lesson>
        new Lesson() { LessonId = 1, LessonTypeId = 1,LanguageId = 1, TeacherId = 1, LessonName = "Professional Lesson"},
        new Lesson() { LessonId = 2,LessonTypeId = 2, LanguageId = 2, TeacherId = 2, LessonName = "Professional Lesson"}
    }.AsQueryable(); // .BuildMock(); - no mock, just a real list

    _mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Repository<Lesson>().GetEntities(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Lesson, bool>>>(),
        It.IsAny<Func<IQueryable<Lesson>, IIncludableQueryable<Lesson, object>>>()))
                (Expression<Func<Lesson, bool>> condition,
                 Func<IQueryable<Lesson>, IIncludableQueryable<Lesson, object>> include) =>
                // Run the queries against the list
                // Need to add some checks in case any of those are null


Misc Example