How to merge some spannable objects?

I know this is old. But after modifying kotlin stdlib a bit I've got this code:

fun <T> Iterable<T>.joinToSpannedString(separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = "...", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): SpannedString {
    return joinTo(SpannableStringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform)
            .let { SpannedString(it) }

Hope it might help somebody.

You could use this:

TextUtils.concat(span1, span2);

Use SpannableStringBuilder.

Even better- make a kotlin operator overload:

operator fun Spannable): Spannable{
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).append(other)

just throw that in any kotlin file as a top level function.

and the you can concatenate using +:

val spanA = ...
val spanB = ...

val concatenatedSpan = spanA + spanB

Thanks, it works. I have noticed that I can merge even 3 spannable object:

(Spanned) TextUtils.concat(foo, bar, baz)