How to make such a CV in LaTeX?

My answer is probably not exactly what did you want (because you are asking for LaTeX solution and I give TeX solution) but I hope that this answer illustrates the typical usage of TeX. There are two persons: macro programmer who implements the macros by given typography design and the author who writes the text. The programmer tells to the author what markup is needed to use.

First, what writes the author:

\input cv-mac 

\title   {Lebenslauf}   
\name    {Selman Caragöz}   
\address {Henkestraße 2\nl 60412 Frankfurt / Main}
\tel     {069 170 06 85}
\mobile  {0177 96 24 56}
\email   {[email protected]}
\photo   {photo.png}

\sec Persönliche Daten

\bb Geburstdatum:        = 25.06.1993 in Antalya / Türkei
\bb Staatsangehorigkeit: = deutch
\bb Familienstand:       = ledig
\bb Beruchfiles Ziel:    = Hotelfachmann

\sec Berufstätigkeit

\bb seit 01.2013         = Hotel Zur Post, Frankfurt\nl
                           Mitarbaiter im Frühstucksservice\nl  
                           Vorberaitung des Buffets, 
                           Eindecken und Abräumen der Tische,
                           Anrichten von Speisen
\bb 09.2012--12.2012     = Restaurant Am Wasserturm, Franfurt\nl
                           Servicemitarbeiter (befristet)\nl
                           Gastebedienung, Abrechnung

\sec Berufsfachshule

\bb 08.2011 -- 07.2012   = Städtische Schule Frankfurt-Ost\nl
                           Einjährige Berufsfachshule Gastronomie\nl
                           Berufsbezogener Unterricht: Service, Küche, Magazin\nl
                           4-wöchiges Praktikum in der Küche und am Empfang
                           im Ibis-Hotel, Frankfurt,\nl
                           Bestandene Abschlussprüfung

\sec Auslandsaufenthalt

\bb 08.2010 -- 06.2011   = Aufenthalt in der Türkei\nl
                           Mithilfe im Obst- und Gemüsehandel des Onkels
                           (Lager, Verkauf)

\sec Schulausbildung

\bb 08.2014 -- 07.2010   = Otto-Hanh-Schule, Frnkfurt\nl
                           Qualifizierender Hauptschullabschluss

\bb 08.2000 -- 07.2004   = Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Hermesgasse, Frankfurt

\bb 08.1999 -- 06.2000   = Grundschule in Antalya, Türkei

\sec Zusatzqualifikationen

\bb Führerschein         = Klasse B

\bb Sprachen             = Türkisch (Muttersprache), Englisch (gute Schulkenntnisse)


Frankfurt / Main, 03.07.2013



Second, what prepares the macro programmer (the file cv-mac.tex):

% cv-mac  
\nopagenumbers % use pdfcsplain
\input chelvet % Helvetica fonts

\font\bfont=\fontname\tenbf\space at12.5pt
\font\hfont=\fontname\tenbf\space at17pt
\font\sfont=\fontname\tenrm\space at9pt

\hoffset=-1in \voffset=-1in
\pdfpagewidth=210mm \pdfpageheight=297mm

\hsize=\pdfpagewidth \vsize=\pdfpageheight
\def\bcolor{\pdfliteral{0 1 1 .6 k}}
\def\black{\pdfliteral{0 g}}
\def\white{\pdfliteral{1 g}}

  \line{\hfil\bcolor\vrule height 35mm width 45mm \black\kern\indentC}
  \line{\kern\indentA {\hfont \the\title}\hfil
     \white\vbox{\hsize=45mm \leftskip=2mm \baselineskip=11pt \noindent
        \bfont \the\name \nl
        \sfont \the\address \nl
        Tel: \the\tel \nl
        Mobil: \the\mobile \nl
        E-Mail: \the\email
  \nointerlineskip \vskip8mm
  \line{\hfil\vtop to0pt{\image{43mm}{\the\photo}\vss}\kern\indentC}

   \dimen0=\indentA \advance\dimen0 by\indentB
   \moveleft.5mm % optical correction
   \hbox{\rlap{\bcolor \vrule height4mm depth1.3mm width\dimen0}%
\def\bb#1 = {\par
   \noindent \hbox to\indentB{#1\hfil}%
\parskip=3mm \parindent=0pt \leftskip=\indentA

\def\image#1#2{\pdfximage width #1{#2}\pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}

\def\newtokss#1{\ifx\relax#1\else \csname newtoks\endcsname #1\expandafter\newtokss\fi}
\newtokss \title \name \address \tel \mobile \email \photo \relax


Third, what is the result:


If you can try this, use pdfcsplain cv.tex command. You can use pdftex cv.tex too but this second command doesn't work right with UTF-8 characters like ß or ü. Of course, you need to prepare the photo.png and sig.png images before TeX processing.

Note that you needn't any special LaTeX packages. The pure pdfTeX is sufficient.

The CV design has to do with a lot of things. In part are style conventions, in many places (maybe in all the World) is required to CV occupies only one page, if you exceed, most likely not even read it and end up in the trash.

There are also subtle differences that exist in Europe and America (to name two examples) such as the paper size, the disposition on the page of the different parts of the curriculum, typographical conventions, and more that in this moment I haven't entirely clear and that surely someone else can answer in another subsequent answer.

You can find in sites like LaTeXTemplates examples of classes or templates for create your on CV with different layouts that can be helpful for you. Although... in fact I don't know if you can get exactly the same layout from your link, but there are many examples that can give you an idea. If not maybe you must to improve your LaTeX and Tikz skills and make your own, but meanwhile take a look at those examples, you can download them or open in the cloud with WriteLatex or maybe find them in ShareLaTeX.