How to make nested queries in MongoDb that works like nested Sql select queries

The answer to such questions in MongoDB is often to denormalize your data. If you need just a list of the users in the group you could store the user Id and the user Name in the group document. In some ways you structure your database according to the result you want to see on screen rather than trying to put it in some normalized format.

Clearly that would only work if your user group list (with names) can fit in a single document, but your current approach has some limitations too concerning the maximum size of a group.

Another approach would be to store the groups that a user belongs to in an array on each 'User' document. Add an index on that array field and now you can find users by group. Given that a user is likely to belong to less groups than there are members in a group this may be the best approach here.{_id:"u1", name:"u1 name", groups:[{_id:"g1", name:"Group One"}, ...]});

Again you might store the group name with its _id so you can immediately display the list of groups a user belongs to with a single round trip. Of course, if you allow a group name to change you'll have to kick off a background task to go fix up all these copies of the name.

I would also use the built in MongoDB id generator rather than your own, it has many desirable properties.

define function

function bbb(){
    var org_ids = new Array();
    var orgs = 

    return db.user.find({"org":{$in:org_ids}}).skip(300).limit(10);

execute function


If it can trigger to get you ans--

    _id: {
        $in: db.logs.find({
            loggedbyuser: {
                $ne: ObjectId("569f9d093447ee781ca80b52")
            logtype: "marketfetched",
            "logcreated": {
                $gt: new ISODate("2016-02-06T00:00:00.871Z")
        }, {
            loggedbyuser: 1,
            _id: 0
            'logcreated': -1
        }).map(function(like) {
            return like.loggedbyuser;
}).map(function(like) {
    return like.fullname;