How to make LXTerminals open maximized in Lubuntu 11.04?

I don't have Lubuntu installed to test but maybe:

To configuration file ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml adding the lines below :

<!-- Option to maximize all normal window when launched-->
<application type="normal">

Removal of this was suggested as a way to STOP it from doing so here.

Try gdevilspie, match lxterminal window, and auto-maximizing,

Just an example on how it works (with gnome-terminal), first hit on 'Get' and select the LXterminal,

enter image description here

And in actions, select 'maximize', save the rule. So any time you start LXterminal, it would start maximized.

Last thing you need to make sure if daemon is running at start:

enter image description here

hbdgaf's answer above was very close (on ubuntu 12.04), but instead of "true", you need to use "yes" to tell it to maximize.

So, inside the applications block in /home/(your username)/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml, add the following block and it will work:

    <application name="lxterminal">

Similarly, if you want to minimize it, use iconic tab and set to "no". Not sure why the openbox folks used yes and no instead of true and false but they sure did!