How to make Angular Material Card Title one liner?

Wrap you card in div and set elementRef to div as #card

Then set width to header as the card's width [style.width.px]="width - 50"

Set the width param on resize (window:resize)="width=card.getBoundingClientRect().width"

See working code

<div #card (window:resize)="width=card.getBoundingClientRect().width">
    <mat-card-title class="text-oneline" [style.width.px]="width - 50">Heeeeeellllllloooo</mat-card-title>
  <img mat-card-image [src]="icon_url" alt="App Icon">
    <p>Some Text</p>
    <button mat-button>Hello</button>


.text-oneline {
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;

I can offer two solutions one of which I don't really want to give, but it's a solution.

The solution I recommend you to use is to remove the wrapping <mat-card-header>

  <mat-card-title class="text-oneline">Heeeeeellllllloooo</mat-card-title>
  <img mat-card-image [src]="icon_url" alt="App Icon">
    <p>Some Text</p>
    <button mat-button>Hello</button>

This will change the layout a little bit, but you can solve this by adding your own css classes or wrap it with your own div, just don't use <mat-card-header> because it does something that's not easy to circumvent, but not impossible like you'll see in my second, not so recommended, solution.

In this second solution you move the .text-online class onto the <mat-card-header> like so:

  <mat-card-header class="text-oneline">
    <mat-card-title >Heeeeeellllllloooo</mat-card-title>
  <img mat-card-image [src]="icon_url" alt="App Icon">
    <p>Some Text</p>
    <button mat-button>Hello</button>

and your css changes to:

.text-oneline ::ng-deep * {
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;

I do NOT recommend you use this second solution!

Using ::ng-deep is considered very bad practive because it's deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore, but as of today Angular has not provided an alternative. More info