How to make a "krul" (unofficial Dutch symbol for OK)

If you are using pdfTeX then you can use \pdfliteral which draws the desired character directly. For example:

\def\krul{\leavevmode\hbox{\lower2.5pt\vbox to10pt{}\kern1.8pt
   1 j .7 0 0 .7 0 0 cm
   -2 1 m 
   3 2 4 5 4 7  c
   4 9 3 10 2 10 c
   1 10 0 9 0 7  c
   0 3 5 2 5 0 c
   5 -2 2 -3 1 -3 c
   S Q}\kern4.5pt}}

aha \krul.



Sample image of the krul sign

The marvosym package has a symbol called \Denarius. The package documentation says, "The \Denarius symbol is also known as the correction sign “Deleatur”." The deleatur ( is a proofreading symbol that would seem to be the counterpart to "stet".

In fact, the topic of the correspondence of deleatur and krul was discussed at our sister website, as some of the answers allude to.

Below I show it as given, and then two clipped versions, as some might not like the extra curl.

  \clipbox{5.5pt 0pt 0pt 0pt}{\rotatebox[origin=center]{-22}{\Denarius}}}\kern-2.5pt}
\def\krulC{\clipbox{4.5pt 0pt 0pt 0pt}{\rotatebox[origin=center]{-10}{\Denarius}}}
\krulA, \krulB, or this \krulC.

enter image description here

The German wikipedia,, says that the symbol has a unicode of U+20B0, though I have not yet found a font that contains it. However, the German rendition is not quite the same as shown above.

Thought I'd have a go ...

Using Drawing on an image with TikZ, I took your "desirable" krul symbol and drew on it until I had something that looked fairly similar. I used the hobby package to define the béziers rather than fiddling with control points (to avoid recomputing the path each time the symbol is used, I used a nifty feature of the hobby package that allows for reuse of a hobbily defined path; a bit of box magic puts the definition at the start of the document without - I hope - taking up any space).

The key feature of this implementation is the use of the calligraphy package to style the lines. This, in my opinion, makes it look more like a letter drawn with a pen than a squiggle.

For added bonus, I made it scale according to the fontsize.

% Uses:
%\url{} (hobby package)
%\url{} (calligraphy)

\setbox0=\vbox{\tikz \path[use Hobby shortcut,save Hobby path={krul}] (-.2,0.25) ..  (0,.45) .. (.2,.65) ..  (0.3,0.76) .. (0.4,.97) .. (.1,.8) .. (.05,.65) .. (.3,.5) .. (.3,.4) .. (.15,.1) .. (.15,.05) .. (.3,.05) .. (1,.7);}%

  \tikz[scale=1em/1cm] \calligraphy[copperplate,restore and use Hobby path={krul}{}];%

This statement is true \krul

{\Large This statement is true \krul }

{\Huge This statement is true \krul }


a tikzified krul

