How to make a blank page in Google Chrome at start-up?

Summarizing all I've found for the subject, including this thread, the simple, safe and resource-effective way is to create minimal extension (as recommended by author of "New Tab Redirect" here: ):

Minimal extension

Create two text files:

  • manifest.json with contents:

      "name": "Empty new tab page",
      "description": "Override the new tab page with an empty page, for users who don't like the original or custom new tab pages",
      "version": "1.0",
      "incognito": "split",
      "chrome_url_overrides": { "newtab": "newtab.html" },
      "manifest_version": 2
  • newtab.html with contents:


Save the files in empty directory, which should not be deleted while this extension in use (eg. directory "Empty new tab page" in Documents ) and:

  • Go to Chrome Extensions page (chrome://extensions/)
  • Check "Developer mode" (upper right)
  • Click "Load unpacked extension..." and point to the directory where two files was saved

Developer mode now could be turned off.

Now we've got absolutely blank new tab with absolutely blank URL field.

Note: newtab.html could be customized in a suitable way.

Not possible without an extension. Get this one:

Empty New Tab Page

This extension will load a totally blank new tab and remove the about:blank from the location bar. Works great!

Did you check Google Chrome's help forum?: Start chrome with blank page.

  • It's true that if you go to 'Options' > 'Basic' > 'On Startup' > 'Open the following pages' and then add 'about:blank', that chrome starts with an empty page, but still, it doesn't achieve the previous behaviour, because with these settings, on the address bar it will appear 'about:blank', and you have to delete it..Before, (or if you configure the 'Homepage' section to 'Use the new Tab page'), chrome would start with a blank page, and with nothing on the address bar, so you could start typing immediately the link of the page you wanted to go..I know that is a small detail, but to me it makes a big difference..

  • Try to use this extension. It can solve some of your concerns in my opinion: Speed Dial