How to Logout user from a particular session Identity Server 4, .Net Core?

ASP.NET Core provides an ITicketStore interface which allows you to get control of storing user sessions. Once you provide a class implementing this interface and register it, it will call your class when sessions are being created or verified which you can then store in a database however you like, including attaching arbitrary metadata like browser ID etc.

Now that you have user sessions in your database, you can separately query them and revoke as needed in other logic, including during logins. Since you now provide the session data, simply deleting the record effectively logs the user out from that session. Note that if you use any caching layer to reduce the store requests, you'd need to remove any cached copies as well.

Note that this is separate from IdentityServer and happens with ASP.NET Core itself.

This is a good tutorial that helped me implementing this in my app.

A sample of how it looks to register in Startup, where PersistentTicketStore is my implementation:

// Persistent ticket/cookie store to provide durable user sessions
services.AddSingleton<IUserSessionRepository, UserSessionRepository>();
services.AddSingleton<ITicketStore, PersistentTicketStore>();
    .Configure<ITicketStore>((options, store) => options.SessionStore = store);