How to load JSON file using Play with Scala

From Play 2.6, Environment has the getExistingFile, getFile, resource and resourceAsStream methods, E.g.:

class Something @Inject (environment: play.api.Environment) {
  // ...
  environment.resourceAsStream("data.json") map ( Json.parse(_) )

(Note, in this case data.json is inside the conf folder)

Looks like the comment about the possible duplicate is how to read a file from your app/assets folder. My answer is about how to parse Json from a stream. Combine the two and you should be good to go.

Json.parse accepts a few different argument types, one of which is InputStream.

val stream = new FileInputStream(file)
val json = try {  Json.parse(stream) } finally { stream.close() }

P.S. When you can't find what you're looking for in the written docs, the API Docs are a good place to start.

Here is how I managed to solve it:

val source: String = Source.fromFile("app/assets/jsons/countriesToCities.json").getLines.mkString
val json: JsValue = Json.parse(source)

Thanks for the help! :)