How to listen to all custom events in VueJS?

If you're in an ES6 context, you could take either of below approaches. I explain through comments.

Override through inheritance

'use strict'

import Vue from 'vue'

export class EventBus extends Vue {
  // Register a custom callback as meddler that gets called upon each event emission.
  // It can be bound to $on as well. 
  $meddle (callback) {
    this.meddler = callback

  // Override Vue's $emit to call the custom meddler callback upon each event emission.
  $emit (event, ...args) {
    if (this.meddler && typeof === 'function') {
      this.meddler(event, ...args)

    return super.$emit(event, ...args)

  // We can also override $on() to listen to callbacks being registered.

export default new EventBus()

Override through hijacking

Or using a "hijacking" factory class in case you don't want your Vue event bus to be wrapped. The logic is basically the same, however, in this approach we hijack, or in other words, monkey patch the methods instead of overriding them directly.

'use strict'

import Vue from 'vue'

class EventBusFactory {
  static create () {
    return this.hijack(new Vue())

  static hijack (bus) {
    bus.$meddle = callback => {
      bus.meddler = callback

    const orig$emit = bus.$emit
    bus.$emit = (event, ...args) => {
      if (bus.meddler && typeof === 'function') {
        bus.meddler(event, ...args)

      orig$, event, ...args)

    return bus

export default EventBusFactory.create()

The author of VueJS provided a hacky solution for listening to all events:

var oldEmit = this.compiler.emitter.emit
this.compiler.emitter.emit = function () {
    console.log('got event: ' + arguments[0])
    oldEmit.apply(this, arguments)

Another solution (which is said to also work on v1.0):

const old_on = this.$on;
this.$on = (...args) => {
  // custom logic here like pushing to a callback array or something
  old_on.apply(this, args);