How to limit the number of retries on Spark job failure?

An API/programming language-agnostic solution would be to set the yarn max attempts as a command line argument:

spark-submit --conf spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=1 <application_name>

See @code 's answer

There are two settings that control the number of retries (i.e. the maximum number of ApplicationMaster registration attempts with YARN is considered failed and hence the entire Spark application):

  • spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts - Spark's own setting. See MAX_APP_ATTEMPTS:

      private[spark] val MAX_APP_ATTEMPTS = ConfigBuilder("spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts")
        .doc("Maximum number of AM attempts before failing the app.")
  • - YARN's own setting with default being 2.

(As you can see in YarnRMClient.getMaxRegAttempts) the actual number is the minimum of the configuration settings of YARN and Spark with YARN's being the last resort.