How to kill the pm2 --no-daemon process

You can view all processes which are registered with pm2 using

pm2 list

Assume the process you want to stop is named as processA using the below command will stop the processA:

pm2 stop processA

In case you want to delete the process than use the below command:

pm2 delete processA

In case you don't want to kill a particular process but pm2 itself using the command below:

pm2 kill

You can try:

pm2 kill

or find the running PM2 process with:

ps aux | grep PM2

then kill with:

kill -9 [pid]

The -9 switch sends the KILL signal to the process as opposed to the default interrupt (INT or SIGINT) signal and is equivalent to -KILL or -SIGKILL. Interrupt is a less invasive way and you could try that first to let the process gracefully exit, however, if it doesn't respond to that, the kill signal should result in an immediate termination (unless the process is zombie).