How to kill one tab of google chrome using pid

You can't kill tabs by PID. Here's the next-best thing: it's possible to kill an unresponsive tab (or set of tabs) by interactively navigating to Chrome Task Manager in Chrome:

  1. Hamburger Icon (three lines in top-right);
  2. More Tools;
  3. Task Manager and clicking on the tab name;
  4. Then clicking the "End Process" button at the bottom.

You can't close a tab by killing the process. The process represents a renderer that the main browser uses the execute and draw a page, which it then copies to the screen. The "Aw, Snap!" is what the browser displays when the renderer responsible for that tab crashes or is killed. The proper way to close the tab would ideally be via a command-line switch, but there is none that I know of at this time.