How to "jump" brackets in TeXstudio?

On a Windows PC and on Ubuntu, it is Ctrl+Right arrow

On Mac OS X it is Command+Right arrow


It can be changed to Tab (), but this is by default linked to another shortcut. If you go to the Preferences, "Shortcuts" tab, open up the "Editor" and the "Basic Key Mapping" list. Scroll down until you find

Next placeholder or one word right

Double click on the shortcut and click for opening the drop down menu; there you can find Tab as in the following picture:

enter image description here

Answer "Yes" to both the following questions. Relaunch TeXStudio.

Just press Alt+Right, that is, hold Alt and press the “Right Arrow Key”.

Obviously, while the fields are highlighted you can move left using Alt+Left.

It works for me on my TeXstudio 2.5.2 (SVN 3651)