How to join two or more external .tex file using another .tex file and then compile?

As a best practice, I arrange your scenario as follow to be more general. You have:

  • a package mypackage.sty in which you put all packages used in both main input file and sub files (child files).

    % mypackage.sty
    \ProvidesPackage{mypackage}[2013/05/01 v0.01 LaTeX package for my own purpose]
    % put other packages here
  • the first input file input1.tex as a sub file (child file) as follows. It loads mypackage.sty package.

    % input1.tex
    Karl's students do not care about arrow tips.
    E \ne mc^2
  • the second input file input2.tex as a sub file as follows. It also imports mypackage.sty package.

    % input2.tex
    Karl's students do not care about dashing patterns.
    pV = nRT
  • the main input file main.tex as follows. It must load mypackage.sty and docmute packages. docmute package is used to import all stuffs (of the imported sub files) inside \begin{document} and \end{document}.

    % main.tex

The following simulates your scenario. Compile it with -shell-escape.


% creating a package
\ProvidesPackage{mypackage}[2013/05/01 v0.01 LaTeX package for my own purpose]
% put other packages here

% creating the first input file
Karl's students do not care about arrow tips.
E \ne mc^2

% creating the second input file
Karl's students do not care about dashing patterns.
pV = nRT

% creating the main input file


\immediate\write18{pdflatex main}
please open \url{main.pdf}


Some people use the combination of standalone document class and package. And some other people use the combination of subfiles document class and package.

But I believe my method above is much more flexible than these two methods because the included input files can make use of any document class.

I would recommend the standalone package:

enter image description here


  • The geometry package was used to change the paperheight so as to make it easier to show an image here.
  • The color was used to make it easier to see the content fro the different files.
  • The filecontents package was used to package the separate files into one MWE .




        Text from File 1.

    \begin{document}  \color{red}
        Text from file 2.


\chapter{Main File}
Text in main file.

use the documentclass combine if you want to create a new document which combines several other TeX documents. Run texdoc combine to get the documentation for combine